Friday, September 14, 2018

WEEK 1 8/29/18

Week 1

First week was an introduction to the main mission of the Spartan Superway project. This was our first meeting at the Spartan Superway workspace. Soon after we got there, the whole class was divided up into different groups based on their choices. I met my fellow half scale team.

We toured the shop, asked our mentors and other people who had worked on this project questions to gain some useful insight about the Spartan Superway project. Our group discussed what were the shortcomings faced by the last year's half scale team, what could we do to solve those issues and what could be an achievable goal for our team by the end of this year long project. We also started planning for our next week's lighting talk presentation.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2018



Image may contain: Karandeep Singh, smiling, suit

Hi there.

My name is Karandeep Binner and I am a senior at San Jose State University studying Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Mechanical Design.

I am pretty inquisitive and someone who pays attention to detail. I love to learns by doing things and I don't mind getting my hands dirty at all when it comes to learning something new. In addition, I like listening to music, trying new dishes and also like to workout. After, I graduate I am planning on going to Trade school to learn the nitty gritty of welding and get to work with more tools. I also want to learn more about cars, how they function and how to fix them. I also plan to travel more after I graduate as I haven't taken a vacation in a long time as of now. I hope this semester proves to be a great learning experience.